====================================================================== CurveFit application package for Mathematica Copyright 1997-2024 by F. Rice, California Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA. CurveFit v1.99g for Mathematica 12.2 and later, 13.3 and later ====================================================================== How to install CurveFit for Mathematica: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This distribution will install or update the Mathematica package called CurveFit DO NOT EXECUTE THE INSTALLER NOTEBOOK FROM INSIDE THE ZIP FILE! IT MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE OTHER FILES INSIDE THE ZIP, SO THE INSTALLATION COULD FAIL! Download the zip file onto your computer's desktop, and then extract the files there; it will create a new folder named CurveFit.distribution on your desktop. Navigate into this new folder until you find the Installer.nb notebook. To install the packages automatically to the proper Mathematica Applications directory, LAUNCH (DOUBLE-CLICK) THE Installer.nb NOTEBOOK. YOU WILL BE PROMPTED TO RUN THE NOTEBOOK'S INITIALIZATION CELLS - YOU MUST ALLOW IT TO DO SO IN ORDER TO PERFORM THE INSTALLATION. The notebook will then display several dialog boxes, each of which will wait for your response. Default responses (just hit the or key) are usually the correct ones. The notebook will copy the CurveFit code files into the appropriate folders for Mathematica to be able to find them. It will complain if the installation is unsuccessful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You may need Administrator or Root privileges to install the packages for all users; if the installation fails, close and reopen the installer notebook and try installing just for yourself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The installer will also create a "CurveFit" folder in your local documents folder. Inside this folder are a couple of suplementary notebooks and a subfolder containing sample data files you may use to play around with CurveFit. The installed notebooks: Launch.nb: will load and start CurveFit and open a new, blank notebook FitAnyFunction.nb: code to fit an arbitrary function to a data set. Once installed, you may load and launch the CurveFit package during any Mathematica session using (note the ` in the command, which is NOT on the same key as ", but it may be on the same key as ~ ): << CurveFit` Once CurveFit is loaded, you may open or reopen the CurveFit palettes by simply evaluating: CurveFit To close the palettes and remove the data you have loaded: QuitCurveFit ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.99g (4/2024): Fixed a residual-plot bug when fY[x] is an interpolation (such as the fitting fuctions in Compton_Spectra1.nb). 1.99f (3/2024): Fixes a subtle but pernicious bug: the file load and select columns dialog box displayed plot switched x and y sigmas. 1.99e (1/2024): Fixes a bug in 1.99d: now can display a residual plot of a fit to data which may not have specified uncertainties (unweighted data fit). 1.99d (1/2024): No longer uses ErrorListPlot code and doesn't use the ErrorBarLogPlots package. Uses Mathematica's new Around[] for some error propagation (generating residual plots) By default sets PlusMinus = Around. 1.99c (3/2022): Added capability to load Ortec ".Spe" gamma spectrum files, among other minor enhancements. 1.99b (1/2021): Fixed a bug in the Data I/O -> Merge Frequency Response File menu item. It would not actually merge the current data with the file. 1.99a (1/2021): Fixed a bug in the Modify Data Points -> Keep an X-range quick selection menu item. It would improperly handle log scales. 1.99 (1/2021): Compatible with Mathematica v12.x. Cleaned up and improved the user interface in the Installer notebook. Improved the header comments in the sample data files. Added some functionality. Still includes the legacy package (1.91b) required for earlier Mathematica versions. 1.96 (4/2018): Compatible with Mathematica v11.x. Fixed data subrange selection dialog boxes to fit on various screens. Modified ScatterDataPlot. 1.91b (4/2018): Legacy package update. Fixed data subrange selection dialog boxes to fit on various screens. Modified ScatterDataPlot. 1.95 (1/2016): Compatible with Mathematica v10.x. Uses the new ErrorBarLogPlots v3.0. Installation files include a legacy installation of CurveFit v1.91a and ErrorBarLogPlots v2.0.2 for Mathematica v9 or earlier. 1.91a (1/2016): Updated 1/2016 to increase default error bar thickness to Medium. Intended to be used as part of the legacy installation package as an alternative to the Mathematica 10 compliant CurveFit (1.95). 1.91 (1/2015): Check for Mathematica v10 and abort package install. Changed example in "Fit any function.nb" to fit decaying sinusoid. Commented out load of PlotLegends package in Plots.m. 1.9 (3/2014): Added scatter plot function for Compton scattering experiment data files (x channel v. y channel). 1.8 (1/2014): Fixed problem with some dialog boxes appearing too large with certain laptop monitor display aspect ratios. 1.7 (1/2013): Added several algebraic manipulations to the Transform sub-palette. 1.6 (5/2012): Added LoadTekFile[]. Removed "E" default comment delimiter. Fixed file load error message if there is no file header. 1.5 (12/2011): Various fixes and tweaks. Significant expansion of the interactive loading and manipulation of data sets and the undo stack. Support for only Mathematica v7 and later. 1.4 (5/2009): Fixed problem with MakePoisson[] on unsorted data. Added SortData[]. 1.3 (3/2009): Added data manipulations for gamma ray spectra. Changed exponential fits so that non-positive Y values don't abort the fits. Added capability to input USB-20 .tsv files. 1.2 (1/2009): Added resonance phase fit. Many palette cosmetic changes. Removed RC filter fits, as they seem buggy. Miscellaneous minor improvements. 1.1 (3/2008): Included input parsing for Spectrum Techniques .TSV gamma-ray spectrum files, as well as enhancements for processing multichannel analyzer count data. Some other minor improvements. 1.0 (1/2008): First port of CurveFit to Mathematica v6.x. Incorporated several enhancements over CurveFit for Mathematica 5.